
Friday, May 15, 2009

Interested in the future of the the web? See our free public foresight report: the Metaverse Roadmap (MVR): Pathways to the 3D Web. The MVR is an extensive 10-year technology forecast and 20-year visioning survey of virtual and 3D Web technologies, markets, and applications. Made possible by generous start-up support from The Electric Sheep Company. See Interviews at Imagining the Internet, and visit the MVR Website for the full, free report.

Accelerating Times
Our free occasional newsletter on key events in our accelerating world.


Future Salon

Look Further. Think Deeper.
Act Smarter.

Boldly creating a world that works for all. Fifteen cities and the online world Second Life.


ASF-Sponsored Conference:

Evo Devo Universe 2008
October 8-9, Paris, France
An international conference, listserve, publication series, and wiki community of scholars exploring evolutionary and developmental processes in the universe and its subsystems, and thereby seeking to advance the science, systems theory and methods of foresight. How do we differentiate predictable and unpredictable process on the universal scale? Join us!

1. Looking for foresight community? Visit Global Foresight, ASF's wiki directory of Networks, Events, Programs, People, Orgs, and Resources for emerging global foresight culture.

2. Like to meet other foresighted folks in your local community? Start a Future Salon, on your own or with a co-moderator. Invite interesting local thinkers to give free talks on future-oriented topics once a month (or less), and go to dinner afterward for more conversation. Grow your network of change- and innovation-oriented friends!

3. Want a credential in foresight or futures work? See Foresight and Futures Studies - Programs and Resources, ASF's list of twelve Primary and forty-one Secondary graduate programs in strategic foresight or futures studies. Consider these if you want interdisciplinary training in thinking about accelerating change.

4. Are you a foresight educator or researcher? Join Foresight Education and Research Network (FERN), our global social network for foresight students and educators (K-12, university, professional), and place to share open-source foresight course materials and practices (see Foresight Development for one such course).

5. Interested in learning and advancing the science and systems theory relevant to acceleration studies? Visit the Evo Devo Universe research community, an ASF-sponsored global network of scholars exploring and critiquing evolutionary and developmental hypotheses and models of change in the universe and its subsystems.

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