
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Technology, innovation, development 

Knowledge for Development - New Industrial and Innovation Policy
World Bank resources on innovation and development

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Information Society - metrics and more 

SIBIS - Statistical Indicators Benchmarking the Information Society - List of other relevant projects

- Best eEurope Practices

Promotes best practice cases in four key business and social areas
(domains) that will lead to Europe enhancing its position globally.

URL: http://www.beep-eu.org

- Benchmarking the Information Society in European Regions

will define, develop and pilot a set of statistical indicators for
benchmarking the progress of European regions in respect of the
eEurope Initiative and the emerging Information Society.

URL: http://www.biser-eu.com

- Statistical indicators for the information society

will allow for a better understanding of the B2B e-commerce development
via the use of innovative frameworks and indicators.

URL: http://www.b2b-metrics.de

- Development of a System of Indicators on COmpetitiveness and FIScal
Impact on Enterprise Performance

covers key and long debated EU issues on indicators, competitiveness
and the impact of public policy.

URL: http://www.istat.it/diecofis

- Benchmarking Progress on Electronic Commerce and New Methods of

generated representative information on the prevalence and spread
of electronic commerce and new forms of work in Europe.

URL: http://www.ecatt.com

- Life in a Digital Europe

created and co-ordinated a set of pan-European longitudinal household
panel studies to generate quantitative data on time-use, uptake
of IST's, IST competencies, environmental impact and perceived quality
of life.

URL: http://www.eurescom.de

- Macro-Economic and Urban Trends in Europe's Information Society

intends to analyse, explain and understand functional and spatial
diversity in Europe's digital economy both from a macro and local/urban

URL: http://muteis.infonomics.nl

- New Economy Statistical Information System

was designed to contribute to the continuing elaboration and evaluation
of European benchmarking indicators, as successive phases of the
Lisbon strategy unfold and are implemented.

URL: http://nesis.jrc.it

New Indicators for the Knowledge Based Economy

The project has developed indicators for assessing the significance
of changes in the knowledge-base underlying economic, industrial
and firm performance.

URL: http://www.researchineurope.org/newkind/index.htm


The project has analysed good practice across a range of eGovernment
service areas, used scenarios to understand future development requirements,
and published a series of strategic guidelines for eGovernment policy
makers and practitioners.

URL: http://www.prisma-eu.net

- Socio-economics Trends Assessment for the Digital Evolution

examines the socio-economic impacts of new technologies and services
on the nature of work and business enterprise in the next decade.

URL: http://www.databank.it/star

- Socio-economic analysis and Macro-modelling of Adapting to Information
Technologies in Europe.

URL: http://www.seamate.net

- developed a European Observatory and Inventory on the specific
IS needs of older and disabled people to guide industry, RTD and

URL: http://www.seniorwatch.de

- has developed scenarios for the ways in the Networked Society
might evolve and their implications for sustainability.

URL: http://www.terra-2000.org

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