
Thursday, March 25, 2004

The Onion | Infograph This is the most entertaining take on nanotechnology. check it out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Philosophistry: it's Greek for "The Love of Rhetoric" (Philip Dhingra's blog) This is a blog and a half, with many useful and fun links

Monday, March 22, 2004

e-Living: Life in a Digital Europe results of ambitious EU funded project. Many lines of work, including:
Trends in ICT Take-up and Usage - Yoel Raban (ICTAF)
ICT usage and the environment - Alberto Pasquini (Legambiente/ENEA)
Social and Market Exclusion - John Haisken De New (DIW/RWI-Essen)
Family, Gender and Youth - Rich Ling (Telenor)
Home, Work and Home-work - Malcolm Brynin (ISER, University of Essex)

One result of interest (among many) music downloads do not substitute for purchase.

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