
Monday, December 17, 2007

Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property 

Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property
"TIIP (Technological Innovation and Intellectual Property) newsletter
discusses research on technological innovation and intellectual
property in an informal, “blog” style."
Topics covered include:

for instance:

Is Intellectual Property the Best Incentive System?

Gallini and Suzanne Scotchmer review the literature that compares
patents to other mechanisms for promoting innovation, including prizes
and government contracts.

Read the summary

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Positioning in practice 

Positium LBS - Portfolio
Look at the "personal positioning" section on the right.
You can click onto staff members, and see where their GPS or phone data tells you they have been in last hours, weeks, months, neatly plotted onto maps of various scales.
People in Estonia are working on very sophisticated mobile phone tracking for crowd analysis and management (e.g. where all the people with UK registered phones are in the airport...)

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Million Books online 

Universal Digital Library: Million Book Collection , hosted by Carnegie Mellon University
The Million Book Project is a venture led by Carnegie Mellon
University in the United States, Zhejiang University in China, the Indian
Institute of Science in India and the Library at Alexandria in Egypt.
It has
now digitised and put online more than 1.5 million books!

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